Bumpdate: The Third Trimester

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Up until the third trimester, pregnancy has been pretty smooth sailing. I’ve kept up my busy, active lifestyle and thankfully haven’t suffered too many of the terrible pregnancy symptoms… until the third trimester hit. Even with this being the hardest trimester thus far, I’ve been very lucky!

Doctor’s Appointments

I went from seeing the doctor once a month to seeing her every two weeks, and starting this week, I start heading to the doctor once a week until our little one makes her arrival. At 36 weeks, they checked my cervix and and I was 1cm dilated and 60% effaced. I had a strong feelings she was going to be stubborn and come late, but now I’m not so sure of that! I am praying that I will get to experience spontaneous labor and avoid being induced.

How I’m Feeling

Physically, I feel pretty good! Things I will not miss about being pregnant: The constant reflux and heartburn. I’ve had it for 5 months now, and I am so ready for it to go away. Hemorrhoids. Why do these have to be a thing? Very thankful for my sister-in-law introducing me to Tucks medicated cooling pads. Lowered Immune System. I have caught more stomach bugs while pregnant than I have in the last five years! Being sick and 30+ weeks pregnant is absolutely no fun. All of that said, it could be so much worse! I’m still moving around, working out and taking care of business in full swing at 36 weeks.

Emotionally, I am extremely stressed and all around exhausted. None of the stress and/or exhaustion is directly pregnancy related. It’s more around work, preparing for maternity leave, finances, etc. I’m very nervous about everything running smoothly while I am away from work. I’m trying to let go of those feelings so I can enjoy the excitement of awaiting our baby girl. We are getting SO ready to hold her in our arms.

Working Out & Weight Gain

When I first entered the third trimester, I was taking a break from working out thanks to a pulled muscle. It took me a month or so to ease back into some modified CrossFit workouts, but I am happy to report I am back to feeling 100% myself. I’ve cut way back on workouts per week, and I’m going very, very easy. Almost every workout I do is extremely modified to make it more comfortable and safe.

My weight gain slowed around the time I pulled a muscle. There was one doctor’s appointment where I hadn’t really gained over the two week period and my doctor seemed concerned until she measured my bump and it was right on track. Originally, it was suggested I gain between 25-35 pounds. I’m 36 weeks as of now with 35 pounds of weight gain. I’m trying to eat better and get moving every single day so that the gain between now, and her birth is directly for plumping her up!

Hiring Doula’s

When I made the decision to try for an unmedicated childbirth, my doctor recommended hiring a doula. After interviewing a few in the Indianapolis area, we hired Jordan and Amy from Indiana Birth and Parenting. We have already called and texted them in the middle of the night panicking about something silly.

Amy recently came over and prepped us for what to expect during labor and delivery, and Jordan will be coming over shortly to walk through postpartum care. I’m so thankful one of these amazing ladies will be in the delivery room helping me get through labor to safely bring out babe into the world.

Preparing for Her First Year

This entire pregnancy, I have been more nervous about bringing her home than I have about birth. Birth just feels less in my control than what happens when we bring her home! After finishing Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth (which I can’t recommend enough), I purchased the “What to Expect in the First Year,” audiobook. This book has over 30 hours of content, which is extremely overwhelming. I’ve been listening to it on my commutes to work related events.

Baby Purchases

We had our baby shower recently, and I am officially not allowed to buy anymore clothes until she gets here! Our house is officially full of “baby stuff,” but I am doing my best to not let it take over. Thanks to our amazing family and friends, I feel like baby has everything she needs to be comfortable and safe at home.

Some of my favorite baby items right now are the Lollipop baby monitor, Lil Joey newborn cloth diapers, and the Freshly Picked leather diaper bag. I also have to say that purchasing a cart to fill with diapering “stuff” was the best idea. It makes everything easy to grab and freed up room to organize her clothes in the small dresser. Still putting finishing touches on her nursery, too!

Maternity Leave & Childcare

Nothing has stressed me out more than work during this pregnancy. I am so worried about not being prepared to leave when little miss decides to make her arrival. I don’t want to drop the ball and let anyone down while I am away! I’ve been doing my absolute best to communicate AND document what needs tending to while I’m away from work, but with multiple businesses, the blog and a day job that’s a hard task.

Meanwhile, we are in the process of securing childcare for when I make my return to work, which is looking like it might be earlier than I expected. Unfortunately, I don’t receive any paid maternity leave, and we need to accommodate for time that Andrew plans to take off (unpaid) as well.

From the moment we got pregnant, we were considering an Au Pair for childcare, and that is the route we have decided to take! We matched with our Au Pair a few weeks ago and are now going through the process and paperwork to get her into to the United States this fall! We are so thankful for this flexible childcare option, and look forward to hosting her here as part of the family.

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All in all, the third trimester has been the hardest for me both physically and mentally. There is this strange tug of war between feeling ready and excited and feeling completely unprepared (I’ve heard this is normal). I know the minute we get to hold our sweet babe all of the stress will melt away. She is beyond worth it!

Photos by the talented Sweet Caroline Photography