What’s in Baby Girl’s Closet

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I’ve had so many people ask where I’ve been shopping for baby girl’s clothes. Facebook ads have been bombarding me with adorable baby clothes, but every time I head to the checkout I’m shocked by the prices!

I can’t bring myself to pay $30+ for something she will wear once, so I took to searching Amazon high and low for adorable outfits without the crazy price tag, and I’ve purchased tons of onesies from Goodwill.

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I’ve definitely splurged on a few items from Oshkosh and a couple of boutique stores, but I’m loving how affordable I can find things on Amazon and at TJ Maxx and Marshalls. There are definitely a few sun hats and fun little accessories hiding in her drawers, too.

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Baby clothes are so hard to resist, but I’m trying to buy a lot of practical pieces like zipper jammies and onesies. I’m so thankful to have friends and my sister-in-law sharing all their advice (and their hand-me-downs).