Well, 2018 was basically insane. I kept trucking along with Thoughtfully Thrifted, started Thoughtfully Designed, tried to grow my personal social media, and balanced a full-time corporate job. What’s that quote again?
“You can do anything, but not everything.”
I constantly felt pulled in every direction, spread way too thin, and there were some points in the year I had major burn out. I would ghost Thoughtfully Thrifted and switch my energy to Thoughtfully Designed and vice versa.
Some months I worked 80+ hour weeks and others I didn’t work at all. My life coach recently recommended the book, The Dip as it explains this phenomenon that entrepreneurs often experience and it highlights when you know it’s time to quit something.
There is a lot of language in the entrepreneur world about pressing on, not giving up, and having grit, but sometimes in your life you NEED to quit. You need to let go, re-align and move on to something bigger, better and more aligned with your values.
In September, I went to an entrepreneur conference and couldn’t even figure out how to tell people what I did. And when I did explain it, the response was, “You are all over the place.” I couldn’t have agreed more. It was so evident at this conference what ACTUALLY brought me joy and what I did because I thought it would make me money.

There is tension in your life when these things battle it out.
Thoughtfully Thrifted brings me more joy than any of my other en devours combined. I LOVE everything that comes along with this blog. I love taking photos, styling, editing, blogging, writing, sourcing vintage, engaging with other like minded people, selling products, and managing the social media. I freaking love it. I’ve been doing it all for two years now and have never once questioned why.
Thoughtfully Designed, on the other hand, has really gone against my “why.” The entire reason I wanted to start my marketing business was so I could work for myself and managing my own flexible schedule.
I wanted freedom! Both physically and financially. About 6 months in to working with clients, I felt complete overwhelm. The business had taken over every aspect of my life. I felt like a slave in a prison that I created. Does that sound like it aligns with freedom? NOPE.
After TONS of work with my life coach, I’m breaking into 2019 with a fresh perspective. Here are some of the roadblocks I had to work on before I could rewrite the script for my business this year:
- I DON’T have to put myself into boxes
- I DON’T have to keep doing something I don’t like
- I DON’T have to do anything at all for that matter.
- I get to CHOOSE.
- I CAN be multi-passionate
- I CAN make money doing what I love
- I CAN be a blogger
- I CAN simply be myself
I’ve told myself a lot of lies over the past two years. I told them to myself so frequently that they practically became solid truth. Rewriting these in my head was no easy feat, but I feel like I’m there. I’m ready. I’m willing. To roll up my sleeves, and go against these lies HEAD ON. So here is my massive project for 2019…
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Instead of having pieces of me and my brands (with an S) all over the place, I’m bringing everything under one roof. One blog, one set of services, one set of programs, one set of courses, one social media account, one brand. One me. SIMPLY ME!
I am an overshare-er, I am a marketer, I am a blogger, I am a vintage junkie, I am home decor lover. The one thing all of those things have in common is ME and that my friends is where my brand is going in the new year. I am SO excited to simply bring you Miranda Schroeder (www.mirandaschroeder.com) and all the things I love under one umbrella.
Love this! I struggle often with the same issues and feel pulled in so many different directions. Props to you for finding that clarity!
SO many directions! Trying to not let that stop me from chasing dreams!
[…] How My Business is Growing, Evolving & Changing this Year […]