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Waiting for Fellowship Match Day felt like eternity. If you aren’t familiar with how the match works, I go into more detail here! Andrew applied for fellowship programs in summer of 2019.
Shortly after applying to programs, he started getting calls and emails for interviews, which was exciting! There were opportunities coming in left and right from all over the country.
In the end, he ended up interviewing for 8 different programs. We decided to rank them all to give him the best chance of matching. There were programs in Michigan, Texas, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana.
He submitted the rank list in early December and then it was a serious waiting game! We knew we would find out the results on January 8th at noon along with all of the other fellowship applicants.
One day, we would be browsing rentals in Waco, Texas, and the next day, we would be looking at homes for sale in Indiana. We had absolutely no idea where we would end up.
The few days leading up to the match dragged on. The nerves didn’t really hit us until minutes before. Andrew was at work, and I was at home working.
Five minutes to noon, I brought my phone into the bathroom, set it on the cabinet, and starting cleaning the toilet because #nervouscleaning is my jam.
I waited until I finished to check my phone. Can’t even make this up! I checked my phone and there was a text from Andrew that said, “IU!!”

On January 8th, at noon on the dot, all of the sports medicine fellows found out if they matched or not. If they did match, they found out where.
Not only did Andrew match, he matched into his number one program! Drum roll please… Indiana University Health in Indianapolis!
We both consider Indy home! Andrew grew up in Indianapolis and the majority of his friends and family still live there. Not only that, but I lived there for four years after college and fell madly in love with the city. Lastly, it’s where we met and went on our first date!

Andrew will finish his family medicine residency program in June and then start his sports medicine fellowship in August. That means we will be moving back to Indianapolis, Indiana in July.
All of Andrew’s hard work paid off! We are so happy with how the fellowship match played out for us and excited to head back “home.”