My First Trimester: A Quick Bumpdate

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I can’t believe my first trimester is coming to a close. I feel SO blessed that this pregnancy has been smooth sailing. I know many women aren’t so lucky. I’ve heard good things about the second trimester, so it’s time to get to work preparing for baby!

When We Found Out

You can read all about how we approached getting pregnant and the day that I found out (and how I told hubby) in previous posts! We found out soooo early. Literally the very first day we possibly could. It made the first few weeks stressful. I felt like I was walking on eggshells.

We were so excited but some of the people close to us that we told were constantly cautioning us that anything could happen. And what they meant by that was that we could lose the baby.

For that reason, part of me wishes would have kept our cards a little closer for awhile, but the other part of me is happy that we shared our news early, so we could keep our family and friends in the loop as things progressed.

We had our first ultrasound at 7 weeks and 4 days and everything looked great. The heartbeat was strong at 160. We learned that I have an extremely tilted uterus and some cysts on my ovaries, but nothing was concerning!

Pregnancy Symptoms

We found out so early that I didn’t even have symptoms until a couple of weeks later. It all started with my attitude. Man, I was cranky with a very short fuse. The smallest little things would set me off (sorry babe)! I remember one night I screamed and Andrew just laughed at me. Praise you husband.

Then came the boob pain. It hurt to even give Andrew a hug. My boobs doubled in size in just two weeks. It was insane. I quickly ordered maternity bras and that is all I’ve worn since. I highly, highly recommend investing in these early. Mine were super affordable on Amazon.

I am so grateful that I did not have morning sickness, however, my bowels have been miserable. If that is TMI, just scroll past this paragraph! Very early, maybe week 6-7, I had diarrhea. By week 8 that turned into constipation and it’s been that way ever since.

A Surprise Ultrasound

At my 10 week appointment with my NP, I went in for blood work, and I got a surprise ultrasound! It was completely unexpected and made my day. It’s crazy how much the baby had grown and changed in just less than 3 weeks.

Our little babe was rolling and waving and kicking! I didn’t cry during the first ultrasound, but seeing our baby move almost did me in. She was able to zoom in to the fingers and toes, and we even saw a small nub where the genitals will form. And no, this does not mean it’s a boy!

Are We Finding Out the Gender?

There was absolutely zero debate about whether we wanted to know the gender. We are 100% finding out as soon as possible. We elected to receive gender results with our Harmony genetic screening. The screening was optional, but we both felt like it was a good idea (and we really wanted to know the gender ASAP).

Mama is ready to start nesting, so bring on the second trimester! We already have a lot of our nursery furniture picked out and our registry and wishlist is well underway. I’m enjoying every minute of preparing for your arrival little one and I love carrying you in my belly.