
The Day I Found Out I was Pregnant & How I Told my Husband

December 16, 2020

I’m Miranda.
You can find me in Indianapolis, Indiana with my hubby Andrew, daughter Ryan and our pup Porter. I believe everyone has the power to create a home, life & business that they LOVE.
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The Day I Found Out I was Pregnant & How I Told my Husband | Miranda Schroeder Blog

I can’t believe we are already waving goodbye to the first trimester! It feels like a lifetime go and just yesterday that we found out we were pregnant all at once. We have had A LOT going on over the past three months.

The Day I Found Out I was Pregnant & How I Told my Husband | Miranda Schroeder Blog

I recently shared when and how we got pregnant by tracking my cycle, but oh my goodness, we had no idea how fast it would happen for us! The day I found out, I was in absolute shock. The gratitude sunk in so quickly because I know how many couples struggle to conceive.

Because I was tracking my cycle with the Ava bracelet, we knew exactly what days to try. At the end of the first month of trying, I decided to take a pregnancy test 2 days before my period was expected to come.

That test 100% had a faint second line, but I didn’t think anything of it. I just threw it in the trashcan and moved on with my life. I think I even told a couple people that it was negative. That’s how sure I was.

The Day I Found Out I was Pregnant & How I Told my Husband | Miranda Schroeder Blog

Little did I know, even the faintest line often indicates pregnancy. The day my period was supposed to come, it didn’t. I had this weird gut feeling that I should take one more test just to be sure.

Andrew was planning a fancy, surprise birthday dinner for me that night. I thought to myself, “Let me just make sure I’m not pregnant. It would be really fun to put a twist on this night and surprise HIM instead.”

I peed on another stick that was the same brand as the one I had used two days before. Two pink lines. In shock and awe, I ran out of the house, jumped into my car and headed towards the drug store.

I bought another test that was a different brand just to be sure. I got home, peed on that stick and it was clear as day, “Pregnant.” My stomach felt like it was in my toes (In the very best way). That was around 3:00pm. HOW?! Was I going to hide this until dinner?

The Day I Found Out I was Pregnant & How I Told my Husband | Miranda Schroeder Blog

I went into the office and found a card that said, “Hell yes! We have to celebrate this.” I grabbed both of the pregnancy tests and some Krazy glue and hid the big surprise inside the envelope.

When Andrew got home he asked if he could give me my birthday gift. Of course I said, “Yes!” He got me the most beautiful rose gold sideways cross necklace, and once he finished latching it on me, I told him I had a gift for him, too.

I handed him the card. As soon as he opened it, he had to sit down. We were both so overwhelmed with every emotion under the sun. Andrew started sweating, and I couldn’t help but laugh at him.

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We finished getting ready and headed downtown to our fancy dinner where I was no longer allowed to indulge in my 3 glasses of red wine. We spent the entire evening pondering over this little life we created. I wouldn’t have had it any other way!

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