miranda schroeder

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A Candid Look at My Career Path

I’ve gotten a few questions about my business and career path lately, so I figured I would take the time to share more in depth. The simple look at my careers goes something like this: high school > college > entry level job in my field > mid-level job in my field.

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I’m Miranda.
You can find me in Indianapolis, Indiana with my hubby Andrew, daughter Ryan and our pup Porter. I believe everyone has the power to create a home, life & business that they LOVE.
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We asked you for your most BURNING questions on Instagram and nothing was off limits! Some of you wanted to know personal things, design advice and others sought out business tips and tricks.

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How to Stop Wasting Money on Facebook Ads | Miranda Schroeder Digital Marketing | www.mirandaschroeder.com

We hear it all of the time, the term “side hustle.” But what if your side hustle is a full-time hustle sitting on top of the mountain of work pouring in from your 9-5? Great question! I’m posing a few ways to help you not only keep your head on straight, but also kick ass at BOTH of your full-time jobs because let’s be real… owning a business is never a side, it’s a damn steak.

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Following along with daily life over on the Gram
