miranda schroeder

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10 Essential Summer Beach Reads

Whether you’re looking for something to make you shiver, something to make you smile, or something to make you think, one of these books is sure to keep your nose glued to the page.

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I’m Miranda.
You can find me in Indianapolis, Indiana with my hubby Andrew, daughter Ryan and our pup Porter. I believe everyone has the power to create a home, life & business that they LOVE.
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Welcome to our new favorite place to hangout in the summer months! The yard and deck at this house was a major selling point for us, and now that the warmer weather is rolling in, we are ready to take full advantage. Our deck is divided by two different heights and this little raised area was screaming for a cozy seating area!

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With the COVID-19 pandemic limiting travel, I have no idea if we will be able to take our trip in July, but we are hoping for the best. I bought these adorable Target swimsuits just a few days after surprising my hubby with plane tickets!

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If I start thinking about summer and the beach, will that help me get through the rest of this winter? Asking for a friend. I’ve started saving some of my favorite beach styles for our honeymoon! I’ve already bought tons of swimsuits, but I want to find some cute clothes, too!

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