miranda schroeder

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Gift Ideas for Young Toddlers (Ages 1-2)

If you are looking for the perfect toddler gift for a special little one in your life (1-2 years old), look no further!

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I’m Miranda.
You can find me in Indianapolis, Indiana with my hubby Andrew, daughter Ryan and our pup Porter. I believe everyone has the power to create a home, life & business that they LOVE.
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Your friend just bought their first home. They’re thrilled but exhausted, living out of boxes and eating take-out off the floor. Buying your first (or second or third!) home is incredibly exciting and deserves a celebratory gift. Of course, the classic bottle of wine or champagne is always appreciated. But why not try a gift that offers a more personalized touch?

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Mother's Day Gift Guide | Miranda Schroeder Blog

I can’t believe mother’s day is almost here. Do you have your mother’s day gifts ideas yet? I haven’t purchased my mom a gift yet, but I’m totally buying her one of the cards below! This year is flying by. My life is so busy and hectic that sometimes I drop the ball on recognizing the special people in my life. One of my intentions for this year was to be better about making an effort to make my loved ones feel loved. I love supporting other small shops and makers and these types of items always make heartfelt gifts. Here are some of my favorite mother’s day gift ideas from Etsy:

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One year, I bought MYSELF a dozen roses and a pack of bacon for Valentine’s Day. There is nothing wrong with splurging on a gift for yourself. Whether it’s a bouquet of flowers, a nice piece of jewelry, or those shoes you have been drooling over. Treaty yo’ self on Valentine’s Day.

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Hand selected gift ideas for the home decor lover in your life. Number eight is top of my Christmas list this year!

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I know, I know, so many of you despise this holiday, but if I’m being honest, I love it. From the silly Valentine’s day boxes and cards in elementary school to coming up with something extra special for my future husband, I’ve always found the holiday charming.

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