miranda schroeder

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How to Organically Grow Your Instagram Following

I get so many readers slipping into my DMs asking how they can grow their Instagram following. Here are key three things you MUST be doing if you want to grow your Instagram following.

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I’m Miranda.
You can find me in Indianapolis, Indiana with my hubby Andrew, daughter Ryan and our pup Porter. I believe everyone has the power to create a home, life & business that they LOVE.
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When I first started my Instagram account, I had no idea what I was doing. It was frustrating and overwhelming in so many ways. I felt really defeated when comparing myself to other accounts that were much farther along than myself. But, I didn’t let those feelings stop me from pushing on and soaking up knowledge from those who had gone before me.

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The last time I mentioned the magic of Pinterest on my Instagram account, so many of you were curious to learn more! Pinterest has been a game changer for my blog. I used to use the platform solely for personal use, like to casually look up a dinner recipe or get inspiration for an upcoming home décor project, but the minute I started to use it as a business tool, my blog views exploded. In December of 2018, I made the commitment to get serious about this blog.

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As 2019 rolls around, many of us entrepreneurs are putting our planning hats on. Content marketing isn’t going anywhere in 2019. I’m living proof. About 30 minutes ago I Googled, found the solution I needed and bought a template. That company never would have made the sale if their webpage didn’t show up on the first page of Google. And how, you might ask, did their content show up on that page? Content marketing.

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Following along with daily life over on the Gram
