
A Vulnerable Look into my 2020 Goals & Resolutions

January 2, 2020

I’m Miranda.
You can find me in Indianapolis, Indiana with my hubby Andrew, daughter Ryan and our pup Porter. I believe everyone has the power to create a home, life & business that they LOVE.
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A Vulnerable Look into my 2020 Goals & Resolutions | Miranda Schroeder Blog

#goals #goalsetting #planning #planningtemplate

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There are a lot of opinionated people when it comes to New Year Resolutions. You either love them or hate them. I happen to fall into the love category.

However, I do think it’s silly to just throw some resolutions onto a piece of paper. It’s important to look back, reflect and assess where you are before deciding your next steps for the new year.

I like to set goals that are achievable and attainable. For example, if you haven’t worked out in 3 years, setting a New Year’s resolution to go to the gym 5 days a week is completely unrealistic. Start with two days a week and work your way up to five over the course of the year. Start where YOU are.

So, that is what I am doing as we begin 2020. I’m looking at where I am, what resources I have & setting goals that are realistic within those constraints. I used my printable personal & business planning template to frame up exactly how I hope 2020 to unfold.

Reflections on the Past Year

One thing I discovered about myself is that I am capable of letting go. Letting go of anxiety, perfection, stress, and control. I’m proud of myself for being terrified of my goals and dreams, but chasing them anyways.

I know myself more now because I have experimented, put myself and my work out there, and tried and failed. Every action has been a lesson and is propelling me towards what I REALLY want to do for a living.

Things I let go:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Perfection
  • Hustle
  • Control

Things that made me happy:

  • Traveling
  • Getting married
  • Time with my hubby
  • Doggo cuddles

I was transformed this year by hypnotherapy. It was a complete game changer for me. I was able to cut ties with emotions that were holding me back and keeping me in a cycle of stress & overwhelm.

Work felt really out of balance for most of the past year. I had my hands in WAY too many projects. Between my day job, marketing business, vintage shop and the blog, I couldn’t keep my head on straight.

I’m cutting back big time this year! No more vintage shop (online or in-store), less marketing clients, and a tunnel vision focus on the blog.

My Word for the Year: Unstoppable

I’m not letting anything get in the way of my passions this year. Right now, it feels like everything else comes before the blog. Not this year! This is the year to make REAL money from my blog. When I set out to do something, this word is a constant reminder to take all the “no” and push until I get a “yes.”

A Vulnerable Look into my 2020 Goals & Resolutions | Miranda Schroeder Blog

#goals #goalsetting #planning #planningtemplate

Creating my Vision

Words that describe the person I want to be:

  • Inspirational
  • Motivational
  • Hard working
  • Loyal
  • Dedicated
  • Committed
  • Consistant

To become this person, I need to keep showing up online and in life. Even when it’s hard. Be a light to others. Provide hope and inspiration. Prioritize my dreams even when I’m tired. Be loyal to my husband, family and friends. Focus on and dedicate time to my priorities. Say no to the rest. No turning back on my blogging dreams this year.

A Vulnerable Look into my 2020 Goals & Resolutions | Miranda Schroeder Blog

#goals #goalsetting #planning #planningtemplate

5 Things I Will Do to Make an Impact

  1. Community – Get more involved with a local organization.
  2. Family – Show up! Even if it means a 8+ hour car ride or a long flight. Just be there.
  3. Friends – Call and text more. Plan parties & events for getting together.
  4. Work – Keep speaking out about my personal struggles and hardships in hopes of making others feel less alone.
  5. World – Continue to recycle and reduce our waste generation

Creating my Vision

Habits to Cultivate:

  • Eating healthy
  • CrossFit
  • Skincare/Hygiene
  • Saving Money

Habits to Quit:

  • Not leaving my house
  • Skipping meals
  • Skipping the gym
  • Picking my face
  • Overspending

Struggles to Overcome:

  • Getting out of debt
  • Moving to a new place
  • Working multiple jobs
A Vulnerable Look into my 2020 Goals & Resolutions | Miranda Schroeder Blog

#goals #goalsetting #planning #planningtemplate

Things to do This Year

Books to Read:

  • Self-help books
  • Marketing books
  • Blogging books

Places to Visit:

  • Traverse City
  • Indianapolis
  • St. Lucia
  • Bali

20 Things I Would Like to Do This Year:

  1. Move in the spring!
  2. Sell our house
  3. Pay off ALL credit card debt
  4. Travel to a beach
  5. Quit my day job
  6. Blog full-time
  7. Think about having kids
  8. Take a trip with friends
  9. Host a party
  10. Get a dog
  11. Stay in shape
  12. Make new friends
  13. Grow my email list
  14. Hit 50K followers on Instagram
  15. Attend a blog conference
  16. Save 20k
  17. Pay off my 2 smallest student loans
  18. Go visit my grandma
  19. Make 100k revenue
A Vulnerable Look into my 2020 Goals & Resolutions | Miranda Schroeder Blog

#goals #goalsetting #planning #planningtemplate

Setting My Goals

Here’s a a goal so big that I’m not even sure it’s possible:

My big scary goal is to quit my job, stop taking marketing clients and blog full-time. I want to make more than my day-job salary with my blog.

This will be the year that I… finally quit my day job.

Spiritual Goals

Start reading the Bible and doing daily devotionals. Go to church on Sundays. Start giving an amount that feels sacrificial in the offering.

Relationship Goals

Keep my marriage feeling fun and fresh. Remove the stress of money and debt. Travel together & get lots of quality time.

Family Goals

Start thinking more about having children. Get to a place where we are excited at the possibility!

Physical Goals

Keep going to CrossFit at LEAST 3 days a week. Drink more water! Get massages on a regular basis.

Business/Work Goals

Make the blog my number one priority! Maintain productivity at my day job. Depend less on marketing clients for revenue.

Financial Goals

Credit: Pay off our Chase card by end of February. Pay off our Citi card by July. Pay off Upstart loan by the end of the year. Sell our house & use the money wisely. Save 20k by the end of the year. Make 100k in revenue.

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    Final thoughts, I am so proud of myself. I have grown SO much and in so many ways over the past year. I am excited for the motivation and excitement that the new year brings. It’s going to be a busy year full of adventure in life and business. I’m ready for it!

    A Vulnerable Look into my 2020 Goals & Resolutions | Miranda Schroeder Blog

#goals #goalsetting #planning #planningtemplate

    Download these Writing Prompts

    Want to go through this exercise yourself? I highly encourage you to download the template and write out your responses!

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    Photography: Sweet Lemon Drop Photography // Ripped Jeans: Target // Black Top: Express // Black Boots: JustFab // Hair Extensions: Salon West

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    1. Ashley Tuttle says:

      So proud of you! Excited to watch you accomplish these goals & learn so much along the way!

    2. Elisa says:

      A thought, that you may not want, however I shall share anyway! If and when a person’s business grows beyond what they can handle alone. Often, if they have not planned for said growth, they ‘let go’ of an amazing gift. I did not see ‘ask for help’ or ‘delegate’ on your list. For me, burning the gifts I am given when I use my talents, says NOPE to the universe and screw you to the abundance. Also, letting someone else run your shops/stores, gives you freedom AND a reaping of benefits.

      • mirandaschro says:

        My marketing business grew WAY beyond what I could handle in 2018. I took a step back & hired SO much help at the beginning of 2019! It was a major year of delegation and has changed my life. I now have a copywriter, social media manager, a VA, a website developer, and a photographer that ALL play a major role in my business. As for my shop, it didn’t make any money to sustain itself and I couldn’t afford to hire out. We are also moving in the next 6 months so it’s really awful timing for a brick and mortar. If the passion sparks later in life, I might give it a shot again!

        • Elisa says:

          I appreciate the discourse! I was thinking this morning that I had NO idea about your experience or capabilities in business. It’s great that you shared though, it shows you do and shows others it’s a lot of work and not just shiny pretty cute things.

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