miranda schroeder

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I Quit my Corporate Job

I am officially, 100% self-employed. It feels like the weight of the world has been lifted of my shoulders.

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I’m Miranda.
You can find me in Indianapolis, Indiana with my hubby Andrew, daughter Ryan and our pup Porter. I believe everyone has the power to create a home, life & business that they LOVE.
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These books have picked me up when I’m down and encouraged me when I wanted to give up on my entrepreneurial dreams. No matter what you need right at this moment, one of these books might just change your life, too!

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I’ve gotten a few questions about my business and career path lately, so I figured I would take the time to share more in depth. The simple look at my careers goes something like this: high school > college > entry level job in my field > mid-level job in my field.

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We all know that working out is good for your mind and your body, so why don’t we make it a priority? Research shows an amazing correlation between working out and success (whatever you may define as success).

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Making the Most of Your Time Each Day | Miranda Schroeder Blog with Guest Blogger Linda Clay | www.mirandaschroeder.com

I love talking about the topic of time and resources. We have the same amount of time in a day as Beyonce and Warren Buffett. Let that sink in. We also have a lot of excuses as to why we can’t this and can’t that, and the number one excuse is likely, “I don’t have time.”

Guys! It’s not about having more time. It is about prioritizing things in our life to create the space and time. I work full-time, run two business and a blog, and I still find time to work out almost every single day and eat dinner with my husband. I literally want to print out a t-shirt with the word “priorities” written across the chest.

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How to Start an Online Business - The Right Way (Legally) | Miranda Schroeder Blog

I can’t tell you how many prospective clients come to me that are in the idea phase of starting their business. They think they need to talk to a marketing specialist, but there is so much to do “behind the scenes” before you are ready to market your business. If you are serious and ready to do the damn thing, you need to start with a strong foundation. Here is a quick rundown of everything you need to do to set your business up for success right out of the gate. 

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How to Stop Wasting Money on Facebook Ads | Miranda Schroeder Digital Marketing | www.mirandaschroeder.com

We hear it all of the time, the term “side hustle.” But what if your side hustle is a full-time hustle sitting on top of the mountain of work pouring in from your 9-5? Great question! I’m posing a few ways to help you not only keep your head on straight, but also kick ass at BOTH of your full-time jobs because let’s be real… owning a business is never a side, it’s a damn steak.

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As a business owner you wear A LOT of hats. That can be fun, and it also can be extremely challenging when you feel like you are constantly bouncing from one task to another. That’s where batch working and time blocking comes to the rescue. I discovered it a couple years ago, and find when I implement it, I am highly, highly productive. Who doesn’t feel amazing after a highly productive day of checking things off the list? 

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This year, I decided to create a template of my own to reflect on 2018 and plan for 2019. When I first created the template, I wasn’t sure if I should separate business and personal reflections and goals, but after some thought I kept coming back to the fact that the two are truly intertwined.

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Following along with daily life over on the Gram
