
miranda schroeder

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12 Empowering Books to Read this Year

These books have picked me up when I’m down and encouraged me when I wanted to give up on my entrepreneurial dreams. No matter what you need right at this moment, one of these books might just change your life, too!

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I’m Miranda.
You can find me in Indianapolis, Indiana with my hubby Andrew, daughter Ryan and our pup Porter. I believe everyone has the power to create a home, life & business that they LOVE.
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Andrew & I are always looking for ways to grow as a couple. When we first started dating and were long distance, we would buy two copies of a book & read it “together” from afar. It was SO attractive to me that he was open to new ideas, personal development and relationship growth. At the start of our relationship, we were both coming out of rocky situations. Andrew went through infidelity, leading to divorce, and I had just had my wedding called off by my significant other. Because of our history, we weren’t taking the relationship thing lightly.

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I can devour a good, motivational, entrepreneur or self-help book in one to two sittings. This year, I read (more like listened) to tons of them, and in 2019, I plan to do the same! I’ve been saving Instagram posts of book recommendations the last few months to create my reading list for the coming year. And, since I drive a lot, I’m always looking for audiobooks. My goal for 2019 is one book per month. I far surpassed that this year, but I want to be conscious of taking a break from the screen & actually picking up a book.

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Kids playroom organization and design ideas.

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Whether you’re looking for something to make you shiver, something to make you smile, or something to make you think, one of these books is sure to keep your nose glued to the page.

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When we first toured our home, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the living room. The green wallpaper, built-in bookshelves, limestone fireplace, and large windows fill this room with character. It’s one of the only rooms where we are leaving the wallpaper.

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This year is different. Not because of the pandemic. Not because I’m becoming a mom. But because I have a new perspective and view on life, love and work. It seems that 2020 taught me to let go a bit. Live more in the moment. Less stress. Less pressure. More living.

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These home office essentials will help you create a space that is cozy, functional and aesthetically pleasing. If you work from home, this is extra important! It took me over a year to create an office space that I loved and all eight of these items play a key role. Happy working from home!

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This page contains affiliate links, meaning I may make a small commission if you purchase a product or service through them. Here you will find resources to help you design, create, grow, and monetize your blog and social media platforms. Download the original presentation here. Branding Before you think about the visual aspects of your […]

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There are a lot of opinionated people when it comes to New Year Resolutions. You either love them or hate them. I happen to fall into the love category.

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It is exhilarating and refreshing to no longer run from yourself. The ability to embrace yourself, your flaws, your desires, and your being is insanely powerful.

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How to Start an Online Business - The Right Way (Legally) | Miranda Schroeder Blog

I can’t tell you how many prospective clients come to me that are in the idea phase of starting their business. They think they need to talk to a marketing specialist, but there is so much to do “behind the scenes” before you are ready to market your business. If you are serious and ready to do the damn thing, you need to start with a strong foundation. Here is a quick rundown of everything you need to do to set your business up for success right out of the gate. 

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I spent so many years of my life wishing I could be different than the way God made me. Wishing I could be more like her. The girl who was kind, gentle and quiet. Or the girl who was stunning, beautiful, and just the right amount of sexy. I felt so trapped into this idea that I had to be different to be a good person, which left me feeling like I wasn’t.

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